Tuesday, March 07, 2006

By the end of the week I should have new pics of my hubby's newest project. Not that there aren't tons of unfinished stuff that needs to be finished... :) I have a library. 4 (6ft) book shelves PACKED to their limits.... and one 2ft by 5ft wide, also packed. Well he had to move them in order to put up trim. Decided he needed to replace 2 with built ones he designed. Now they are 8ft high.... and I need to find a nice wooden ladder I can paint to match.... so I can reach. We are shopping tonight for the trim.... the back is painted and he only has to paint the rest. I can't wait to show all.... I think they are REALLY NICE. I have tons to do today... so I must run so I can start......


Blogger Prettybird said...

The ladder will be cool. I can just see your many children climbing it...constantly!!!

4:09 AM  

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