Friday, November 24, 2006

It's the day after Thanksgiving. On our way home from the Grandparents last night.... everyone on our street had their Christmas lights turned on. It was beautiful. But why not wait till Dec. 1st?? Why cut Thanksgiving short?? Most of the world seems to skip over Thanksgiving... and start with the Christmas stuff at Halloween.... no wonder the world seems so rushed. Why don't people just slow down???? We decided with the baby this year to keep it all real simple. I usually decorate the whole down stairs... this year , just a tree. I thought about nothing outside. Well the front of the house anyhow. (the tree will be in the front window) We ran electric to our daughters playhouse and will outline it along with my light up, moving moose. (I just love mooses) I am rethinking the front of the house. Just because the WHOLE street is in white lights. I think I should add some COLOR to the street. Even if it is just a wreath with lights.

Maybe I am feeling so rushed because this year I have no reason to rush.... my sister came home early this year. She is usually home from Thanksgiving till New Years, this year she was here and left already. AND she spent one whole day with each kid separtately and took them to do their Christmas shopping. And hense..... everything is DONE. (excupt Santa shopping)
I may even do some baking this year. maybe....

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Jakobys First Halloween- he isn't impressed Posted by Picasa

close up Posted by Picasa

finished afagan Posted by Picasa

nice stitches (I think anyhow) Posted by Picasa

first projects Posted by Picasa
November 2- 2006

Guess what?? My dearest friend started teaching me to knit!! I am having alot of fun with it. I just finished an afagan... for a friends "country shoppe" she is going to sell. I do think it would take a LONG time to knit one. Robyn did a great job at showing me how to cast on and knit.... I just have no idea how to take it off the needles! The first one... the little pink swatch I just slid off... Robyn was so nice and left me and article she ripped out of her magazine for knitting basics, but my dear friend forgot I am not the kind of person who can read and do.... I have to see and do. I looked and looked at the pictures and it looks like a kindergarten kids drawing that I cannot decipher. :(
I might have to find someone closer to help me.....
My Mother in law saw how excited I was and went out and bought me a set of needles.... :) I can guess what I am getting for Christmas!

We had such a wonderful visit. I don't know why I didn't take pictures with my camera. She has all the pics on hers!

Guess what else I learned (but haven't done just yet?) making homemade knitting needles! Can't wait to try out the idea.... I'll let everyone know how it turns out.

Robyn will have to put some pics on her blog..... especially of Jakoby and the beautiful blanket she knitted for him!